Conference Courses
Conference Courses
1.Quality Management in Hospital Services
Michael A. Counte, Ph.D.,Professor
School of Public Health
Saint Louis/USA
Fevzi Akıncı, Ph.D.,Professor
Kings College/ USA
2.Current Approaches in Health Care Management and Leadership
Assist. Prof. Sedat BOSTAN,
Gümüşhane Universty/ Turkey
Assist. Prof. Taşkın KILIÇ,
Gümüşhane Universty/ Turkey
3.Legal Problems end Solutions for Health Professionals
Assist. Prof. Yahya DERYAL,
Zirve Universty/ Turkey
Instructions :
1. Courses will be presented in Turkish and Presentations of foreign participants will be translated to Turkish.
2. Each course will be presented with at least 20 participants.
3. Participants will get certificate after course presentations.